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The Ultimate Newbie Marketing - Part 1

Before you choose PAID ADS

Marketing is a difficult process, very few people have the expertise required to understand it.

Marketing is not mentioned much in conversations, but it is mentioned in business. One of the most important parts of a business. In fact, marketing is not just about business, it is about proactive communication to promote products and services. Marketing can be done in many different ways like through social media, website traffic, email campaigns or a live event.

It's difficult to know how to approach marketing and what channels work best if you didn't do that before. The success of your marketing efforts depends on how well you know your prospects and how they behave. This article will help you learn more about marketing and how it can be applied to your company's needs.

All these templates, pre-made, done-for-you programs is it really enough? Do you get your dream clients, your tons of leads what all these campaigns are promising? Do you have the desired income? Or you would do marketing alone?

During my career, I met many people who needed marketing and they thought with no experience they can still succeed. I believe that it is important for people to understand that marketing is not just getting customers what you can see from all the advertisements of marketing agencies. Also about maintaining a relationship with them. Marketing should be a long-term strategy and not something you do on the side.

From that experience, I want to tell you a story. There is one guy, let's call him John. The following situation happened with John. He had a local small business with few employees. He had just

enough revenue from all these customers around until an economic crash happened. - Economy crush can happen not only because of a virus. - People couldn't go to the shop to spend their money because he was using the traditional techniques to sell leather shoes. He didn't have a plan B. One day, he was scrolling down on his personal Social Media and his eyes caught up on a Sponsored Social Media post.

The ad said: Get customers immediately to your doorstep with "our amazing service".

What you need to know about Marketing Agencies that they all have a brilliant service, so you can spend your savings. Even more what you just imagined now. When you're starting out in marketing, you should not spend money on a customer if you don't know how much one customer will cost you. Here where you will pay the price from the very beginning. Have you ever heard of a creative organic approach? How come that most of the marketing agencies struggling to get clients anyway?

This post is for you so let's get back to the story. John decides to buy a "paid advertisement service". He needs to pay for the agency to get the work done, for the ad what he will spend, visuals, copywriting to create the posts, etc. These expenses could be increased with a long list of other services e.g. proper e-commerce website, email campaign, photography and videography to showcase the beauty of his tailor-made products not only at his store. Not talking about that you should learn how these business accounts work. A raising question... What do you do if their amazing service doesn't work for your business? You have no takeaway knowledge.

These agencies have a ready service that could fit "every" company and mostly come in 3 glowing colors.

The fact that John is tailoring the shoes for people' feet, angle, comfortability, taste by using high-quality material and special tools. He doesn't realize that's how it should be done for him. The same customized way as he does for his clients?

Not every company needs to spend on ads, I am not saying it is wrong but there is a stage in every company's life when they should consider using better solutions rather than paying for ads. Specifically, if it's a startup because you are still in a testing phase.

Business owners think they need ads because that's what they see in front of their eyes. To be there in front of you is a privilege? How many ads do you pass daily till you consider buying from one or none because it feels only promising?

Would you have thousands of dollars only just to test 2 or more various post on one platform? That's what companies do with bigger budgets. You can get leads, clients with a much better and practical approach for long term success with no ads when you are starting out. Only ads themselves without a tailored marketing strategy for your business is not gonna be effective as you think.

Where would all these people go as traffic? How do you keep them if they are not ready to buy immediately? So much more is needed especially if you have no existing business where you know your potential customers inside out.

Here are some steps on how you can start with your Marketing Strategy before running paid ads:

You need to guide your audience somewhere. I've also talked about how email marketing should be the most important asset of your business. Probably you read similar advice somewhere else. How can you make that one step ahead to really start doing it? The reason that you need to follow these steps is that when you get to know your business better and better from the marketing perspective then you can really scale it. Take a paper and a pen and start writing it down. This is your time to change your future.

1. Reframing Your Mindset

The old way of marketing is dead. With the advent of social media, marketers must find new ways to connect with audiences that they can't see in person. Through a variety of tactics, companies can reach and interact with more people than ever before – and this makes marketing easier than ever! It's not about how much money you make. It's about the mindset you have when you make the money.

2. Decide on your niche and product or service

If you have an existing business and have different services or products choose the most popular ones in the same niche. A common question for all entrepreneurs is what products or services they should offer to the public. A lot of entrepreneurs think that they have to choose between being profitable and having a niche. But thankfully, this is not the case. There are ways for you to isolate your market without sacrificing profitability. One way is to focus on a small group of customers with specific needs and try not to spread yourself too thin by filling in a product or service that may not be a good fit for you in order to be profitable right away.

3. Clarify the target customer

Companies need to define their target customer to know how to engage with them. In order for a company to effectively market their products or services, they need to find out who the target customer is. This is done in order for companies to know what kind of content marketing they should be doing and what kind of advertisements they should be making in order for these potential customers to be interested in buying the product or service.

  • Define the target customer

Embracing customer-centricity is the key to a successful marketing strategy. This not only means understanding who your customer is but also what their needs are and how they can be fulfilled.

  • Determine which channels are appropriate for your message

The best way to promote your business is to spread your message in as many places as possible. Ideally, you want to make sure that you are using the appropriate channels for your specific needs.

  • Choose which type of content you want

These days, in order to be successful, companies need to be mindful of the type of content they choose to produce. If a company is looking for more exposure on social media, then it might be best to post blogs or articles that will get more shares. If a company is looking for viewers on their site, then they might want to post targeted ads that will get people clicking through.

  • Determine which format suits your content

A writer must first understand their audience and the message they want to convey in order to choose the best format for their content. There are many different formats that can serve as a writing assistant. These include blog posts, articles, social media posts, emails, podcast, videos & more.

  • Understand the difference between a blog post and an article

A blog post is a short, informal article that is usually published on a blog. It is typically written in a conversational tone and has a minimalistic layout. Articles are often more formal and have more information about the topic at hand.

4. Create marketing campaigns

In this section, we will focus on how to create marketing campaigns. We will discuss the following topics:

  • Benefits of marketing campaigns

Marketing campaigns can either be a blessing or a curse, depending on the marketing team. With that in mind, it's important to use marketing campaigns strategically.

  • Possible pitfalls of marketing campaigns

Marketing campaigns are not without their pitfalls. In a recent study, it has been noted that a lack of preparation and planning can lead to marketing campaigns that fail to achieve their goals. If the necessary elements such as goals, target audience, budget, timing, content and channels are not established before the campaign starts then there is no way for it to be successful.

  • How to create a marketing campaign

You may be wondering how to create a marketing campaign. All you need is a strategy that works for your company's goals and desired outcomes. You'll then want to create an original idea, design concepts, and layout plans as well as draft various copy options.

  • How to succeed with your marketing campaign

It's important to remember that your marketing campaign is only as successful as the work put in. What you do today will determine how successful your campaign is in the future.

You need more than a strategy. You need a Marketing Plan.

5. Create a blog to establish yourself as an authority in said niche

A blog is a great way to establish yourself as an authority in your niche. It also provides the opportunity for you to show your personality and introduce yourself to other like-minded professionals. The goal of a blog should be to provide insight into the industry and informative content for readers. You should aim to be informative, engaging, and entertaining in order to encourage readership.

You can also use social media sites like LinkedIn or Twitter as a platform for blogging about industry-related topics. A blog gives you the opportunity to publish content multiple times a week and keep the content fresh and relevant. It also gives the readers a way to subscribe for updates and have their questions answered by the writer at any time.

In order to attract readers, it is important that your blog has some level of interactivity with followers and other people in your industry. This can include commenting on their posts, responding to tweets or just following them on social media sites such as Facebook or LinkedIn.

6. Optimize your website's SEO

The best way to rank high in search engine results is to have a well-optimized website.

Optimizing your site for SEO involves many different factors, including content, links, and keyword placement. It also includes making sure your site loads quickly. There are a number of tools that can help you with this optimization process such as the Google Search Console and Google Page Speed Insights.

The most important factor to consider when optimizing your site is content quality. The longer and more often users stay on a page, the higher it will rank in SERPS.

7. Build links and get social media followers/fans

Social media has been a powerful tool in generating links and exposure. There are many ways to get social media followers or to get more exposure on social media. One way is by creating content that is shareable and engaging. Another way is by hosting events, live streaming, blogging, writing guest posts and more. Social Media has been an integral part of the marketing world since its inception. Today, it's hard to imagine a marketing plan without some sort of effort on social media channels like Twitter and Facebook.

8. Get influencers to work in your favour

Influencers are a great way to build a brand and attract new customers. The challenge is how to find influencers that have the right target audience and the right expertise for your business. The best way to find an influencer is by searching on social media. You can search on Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Google+ to find people who match your criteria in terms of size of following, location or area of expertise.

This is one of the most effective ways you can use AI technology in marketing today because it lets you get information about someone’s followers without having to talk with them directly. Agencies such as Publicis have started utilizing this technology as well as social media platforms like Twitter for its own marketing campaigns because it allows them to identify and contact.

The main question here is, can they really influence their audience to take action what you require?

9. Investigate blogging platforms for better content management

Blogging can be daunting for some people. It's not just about writing the content, it's also about managing the website and other technical aspects of blogging. WordPress has been a popular blogging platform for many years because of its simplicity and ease of use. I would recommend that you start with WordPress over any other blogging software, as it is the most popular blogging platform out there with an estimated 60 million users.

WordPress is free to use and it is also open-source which means that anyone can contribute to its development if they have the coding skills. There are other SEO supported platforms that you can benefit from.

10. Use Google Analytics to track traffic sources and conversions

Google Analytics is a free, powerful, and customizable tool that you can use to get better insights of the traffic sources and conversions on your website.

Google Analytics is a free tool that provides you with in-depth information about your website’s traffic sources and conversion rates. You can also take advantage of the many features offered by this tool to increase your website’s performance. This includes tracking user behaviour on your site, identifying conversions such as purchases or form submissions, and measuring the impact of digital marketing campaigns.

Last words

With the help of a marketing plan where you have the strategy and automation, anyone can be a marketer. You enjoy the benefits of an organic approach, email sequences, a website outline to convert visitors into customers, and content ideas that are tailored to your target market. You can spend more time on other aspects of running your business and less time worrying about marketing.


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